import psycopg2 import config import utils import machines import images def connect(): global cur, conn try: conn = psycopg2.connect(database=config.database,, user=config.user, password=config.password, port=config.port) except Exception as ex: print(f"Error connecting to PostgreSQL: {ex}") cur = conn.cursor() with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SET TIMEZONE = 'UTC';") conn.commit() cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS image ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, image_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, token VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, password VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, vpn_ip INET );""") conn.commit() cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP );""") conn.commit() cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS auth_tokens ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id), token VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, expires_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL );""") conn.commit() cur.execute(""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS image_allocation ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, image_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES image(id), allocation_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, last_access_time TIMESTAMP, client_ip_local INET, client_ip_vpn INET );""") conn.commit() def get_cur(): return conn.cursor() def get_conn(): return conn def get_one(sql, value): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(sql, (value,)) try: return cur.fetchone()[0] except: return None def add_conf_image(name, token, ip, password): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO image (image_name, token, vpn_ip, password) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) """, (name, token, ip, password, )) conn.commit() def get_conf_image(token): return get_one("SELECT image_name FROM image WHERE token = %s", token) def get_conf_password(token): return get_one("SELECT password FROM image WHERE token = %s", token) def get_conf_image_id(id): return get_one("SELECT image_name FROM image WHERE id = %s", id) def get_conf_id(token): return get_one("SELECT id FROM image WHERE token = %s", token) def get_conf_id_name(name): return get_one("SELECT id FROM image WHERE image_name = %s", name) def add_user(username, password): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (%s, %s) """, (username, utils.hash_password(password),)) conn.commit() def get_user_pass(username, password): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s """, (username, utils.hash_password(password),)) try: return cur.fetchone()[0] except: return None def get_user_byid(id): return get_one("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id = %s", id) def get_user_bytoken(token): return get_one("SELECT user_id FROM auth_tokens WHERE token = %s", token) def add_auth_token(user_id): token = utils.generate_auth_token() connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO auth_tokens (user_id, token, expires_on) VALUES (%s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL '1 day') """, (user_id, token,)) conn.commit() return token def del_auth_token(token): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute("DELETE FROM auth_tokens WHERE token = %s", (token, )) try: conn.commit() return True except: return None def login(username, password): user_id = get_user_pass(username, password) if user_id is not None: return add_auth_token(user_id) else: return None def get_machines(): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" SELECT image_id, allocation_time, client_ip_vpn, client_ip_local FROM image_allocation""") try: machinesall = machines.MachineManager() for row in cur.fetchall(): token = get_one( "SELECT token FROM image WHERE id = %s", row[0]) image_name = get_one( "SELECT image_name FROM image WHERE id = %s", row[0]) machine = machines.Machine( token, image_name, start_time=row[1], ipvpn=row[2], iplocal=row[3], username="root", password="") machinesall.add_machine(machine) return machinesall except: return None def get_images(): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" SELECT id, token, image_name, vpn_ip FROM image""") try: images_all = images.ImageManager() for row in cur.fetchall(): image = images.Image( id=row[0], token=row[1], name=row[2], vpn_ip=row[3]) images_all.add_image(image) return images_all except: return None def del_image(image_id): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute("DELETE FROM image WHERE id = %s", (image_id,)) try: conn.commit() return True except: return None def get_image_allocation_all_id(): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" SELECT id FROM image_allocation""") try: results = [list(row) for row in cur.fetchall()] return results except: return None def get_image_allocation_all(): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" SELECT * FROM image_allocation""") try: results = [list(row) for row in cur.fetchall()] return results except: return None def get_image_allocation(image_id): return get_one("SELECT id FROM image_allocation WHERE image_id = %s", image_id) def get_image_allocation_time(token): image_id = get_conf_id(token) if image_id is None: return None return get_one("SELECT last_access_time FROM image_allocation WHERE image_id = %s", image_id) def get_image_allocation_time_id(id): return get_one("SELECT last_access_time FROM image_allocation WHERE id = %s", id) def get_image_allocation_clientip(token): id_image = get_conf_id(token) if id_image is None: return None return get_one("SELECT last_access_time FROM image_allocation WHERE id = %s", id_image) def get_image_allocation_clientip_id_vpn(id): return get_one("SELECT client_ip_vpn FROM image_allocation WHERE id = %s", id) def set_image_allocation(token, client_ip): id_image = get_conf_id(token) if id_image is None: return None connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" INSERT INTO image_allocation (image_id, client_ip_local, last_access_time) VALUES (%s, %s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) """, (id_image, client_ip,)) conn.commit() return token def del_image_allocation_token(token): id_image = get_conf_id(token) if id_image is None: return None return del_image_allocation_id_image(id_image) def del_image_allocation(sql, value): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(sql, (value, )) try: conn.commit() return True except: return None def del_image_allocation_id_image(image_id): return del_image_allocation("DELETE FROM image_allocation WHERE image_id = %s", image_id) def del_image_allocation_id(id): return del_image_allocation("DELETE FROM image_allocation WHERE id = %s", id) def update_image_allocation_time(id): connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" UPDATE image_allocation SET last_access_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = %s """, (id,)) try: conn.commit() return True except: return None def update_image_allocation_ip_vpn(token, ip): image_id = get_conf_id(token) if image_id is None: return None connect() with get_cur() as cur: cur.execute(""" UPDATE image_allocation SET client_ip_vpn = %s WHERE image_id = %s """, (ip, image_id,)) try: conn.commit() return True except: return None